Students & the “I Care” Parent Engagement Character Curriculum Model
Education is about preparing students to make a maximum contribution to society by recognizing and nurturing their interests and abilities, shoring up their weaknesses, and preparing them to interact in positive and meaningful ways with others. It's also about passing on the values and history of the culture. The life lessons students learn by participating in “I Care” activities at home, at school, and in the community contribute significantly to achieving these goals.
Role of Students
- Make the monthly activity sheets and Feedback Forms accessible to parents
- Engage in activities with parents to the best of their ability
- Return the Feedback Forms to teachers
- Attentively apply and use what they are learning
- Self-Control
- Respect and Responsibility
- Etc.
Benefits to Students
- Well-established ethical and moral attitudes and behaviors
- Greater understanding of themselves and others
- Improved listening, speaking, and thinking skills
- The ability to plan, implement, and evaluate goals
- Bigger dreams and higher expectations of what they can achieve
- More time and interaction with their parents
- Teachers who are more knowledgeable about their interests and family
- More coordination and cooperation between their teacher and family